
Tŷ Lowri

Helo / Hello,

Dim ond neges fyr i’ch hysbysu fy mod i ar fîn dechrau gwerthu casgliad newydd o lestri pob dydd ar y wefan o dan yr enw Tŷ Lowri. Y bwriad yw i gael y cyfan yn fyw erbyn mis Rhagfyr (gan groesi pob dim!) Mae’r casgliad newydd yn cynnwys mygiau a photiau storio bwyd ar gyfer y gegin. Mae gen i ffotograffydd hyfryd ar fîn tynnu’r lluniau, a dwi’n edrych ymlaen i gyflwyno pob dim i chi.


Just a short message to notify you that I’ll soon be selling a new collection of day-to-day ceramics on my website under the name Tŷ Lowri (‘tŷ ‘ simply translates as ‘house’) . The plan is to have everything live on here by the beginning of December, ready for Christmas (fingers crossed!) The new collection will include mugs and storage jars for the kitchen. I’ve have a lovely photographer who’s about to capture everything for me. Watch this space x

Lowri Davies